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Preston Hollow Capital, an independent specialty municipal finance company based in Dallas, outlined its response to the recent ruling by the Delaware Chancery Court, which found Nuveen guilty of using "threats and lies in a successful attempt to damage [Preston Hollow Capital] in its business relationships." The ruling was delivered on Thursday, April 9, 2020 in a 60-page Memorandum Opinion from Vice Chancellor Sam Glasscock III.Vice Chancellor Glasscock found Nuveen liable for the anti-competitive and injurious actions of its team led by Nuveen Head of Municipals, John Miller, in intentionally and illegally interfering with Preston Hollow's business relations with its primary lender and six major Wall Street investment banks.Jim Thompson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Preston Hollow Capital, stated, "Municipal borrowers deserve a truly competitive marketplace where they are able to select the capital provider that meets their needs in funding their vital projects, not the needs of a large money manager like Nuveen. This is, in essence, the very injustice that the Vice Chancellor exposed. His ruling meticulously details Nuveen's campaign of anti-competitive, untruthful, unfair and destructive conduct carried out by Miller and his team against Preston Hollow in our marketplace. It's important to remember that the real 'winners' are municipal borrowers across the country, as we expect Nuveen to heed the Court's stern admonition that it would be 'exceedingly unwise for Nuveen to mount a similar campaign of malicious behavior' against Preston Hollow going forward."Nuveen said in an emailed statement the firm “respectfully disagree[s] with the court’s finding that Nuveen tortiously interfered with Preston Hollow’s business.”

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