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Build Back Better a Green New Orleans

The Resilient New Orleans Finance Plan seeks to engage a wide and inclusive array of stakeholders from the public and private sectors to help put the city on a sustainable development path. The Plan is ambitious and challenging because of the wide breadth of shareholders required for the plan to be successful.

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A Farewell to Froehlich

Smith's Cadre of Affordable Housing Finance is sad to announce the passing of Richard Froehlich, First Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the New York City Housing Development Corporation.

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Grant Whitaker Set to Retire

Grant Whitaker, President and CEO of the Utah Housing Corporation (UHC) will retire in April, after more than 40 years.

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Covid 19 Crisis: Millions May Face Evictions

A Blue Ribbon Committee of Housing Policy leaders released a COVID-19 Crisis report on August 7 that estimates 30 to 40 million Americans may face eviction over the next several months.

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